Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Police on Glee

I'm a longtime huge fan of The Police - having unfortunately not gotten into them until after their breakup in the 80s, I was waiting seemingly forever for the chance to hear them perform, and finally got my wish last year when I had the chance to see them on their reunion tour.  They were amazing, found just the right way to keep the familiarity of the songs we all know but change them up enough to make it a different experience hearing the live performances.  Stewart Copeland in particular was a great performer, running around, up and down levels of the stage playing all manner of percussion instruments.  The only downer was the audience - particularly the group of idiots all around us who talked the whole time and literally couldn't as a group spend more than 2 minutes all in their seats without someone leaving to get more beers or use the restroom.  I had sort of gotten used to that sort of inconsiderate behavior living in Dallas, but it was really distracting when I was finally having the chance to see a band I had waited literally decades to see.  But I digress....

All this is a roundabout way to getting to saying that I eagerly awaited hearing "Don't Stand So Close to Me" (my favorite song by The Police) in this week's Glee after it was played up in the promos, and it didn't disappoint.  A little uncertain about the mash-up at the start, but it ended up working for me, even if I would've liked to hear a little more of the song (though I'm not sure the lyrics were quite what Schu wanted to say - since in the full song the teacher actually DOES seem to have a relationship with the girl).  Well performed, and I even liked the way they changed up the chorus melody a bit.

Overall I think this was one of the best episodes since the pilot, with well-integrated songs (and a lot of them!) and storyline.  I was especially happy to see Emma return - albeit in a relatively small way - given that she had been minimal the past few episodes (and completely MIA in last week's) and is probably my favorite character.  This show keeps surprising me, and I mean that in a good way - it's always a joy to watch (and hear!) and the better we know the characters the more engaging it gets (since it has taken awhile to really start developing ALL the characters in the large ensemble).  My one beef is with the Quinn character, who is wildly inconsistent based on the needs of any particular story arc:  let's get her personality straightened out some, please?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I thought last week's episode was a little lacking, but this week, it got right back on track.
